I'm in IIT madras....here I'm known as Essless (i know what your thinking....long story)...i'm doing electrical engineering.... sounded hi-fi till i joined.....i'm male btw... but i didn't need to tell you that...i'm in IIT for crying out loud... I figured blogging is an awesome way to spend my time...and reading all the crap that happens to me is an awesome way for you to spend yours...(or i'd like to think so)...anyways....by now you would've noticed continuous dots in the place of fullstops and commas...pardon me...i'm just used to it...you would have also noticed my sarcasm ....lol..get used to it...what you will come across from here on is my pathetic usage of vocabulary....hehe..best of luck with that....and finally i can assure you...this is nothing close to completely condescending....i just thought it sounded nice....

Monday, December 21, 2009

high school never ends (my favorite five)

  • MOMENT-5
Half way through eleventh was when this happened.We had our phase test three(in fiitjee exams are called phase tests).We had few of the most troublesome topics imaginable....from ionic equilibrium to co-ordinate geometry(and you've no clue how relieved i am 2 pass that part in my life).As i was saying,we had it in the morning and the only person who didn't turn up was our invigilator ..so you cant really blame us...we were tempted by cruel faith against our will(its pathetic how sarcasm sounds when its written down)..anyways all 35 of us didn't know anything...but you know how the saying goes... "Alone we're shattered.Together we stand" .And that's exactly what we did...people ended up shouting and dictating answers out....(But i have to admit, we were very systematic,we made sure everyone scored a 200 atleast ) and the band width of the marks was less than 40..how cool was that...and true we were laughing then...but it didn't take long for the teachers to find out....and that lead to...

  • MOMENT -4
Understandably, we had managed to piss our teachers of with that feat.Boy, were they mad.We had to face a huge lecture.A few of us were singled out(had to be me..).i remember my sir asking me "Should a person be punished for doing something wrong?".i replied"Well that depends on whether that person is me or not"(definatly one of the most dumbest things I've said to anyone.).And trust me when i say that was just the tip of the ice berg.In the sense, we bought our vice-principal down to threatening that she'd take us to court(what could she have done anyways......"Your honor,this boy spoke in my class" ) .Apart from plans of filing a lawsuit we were also boycotted for a while.None of the teachers took class(yup...that was there idea of punishment).To top it all of some of us had to submit a letter stating that if we put a foot out of line they could expel us.....this fiasco is something people will remember for a loooong time to come..

  • MOMENT - 3
This one undisputedly belongs to Varshan and Danessa . Danessa having conducted one of the most hilarious feats in the history of hilarious feats.Vanessa had a dare to ask Darshan out and she picked one awesome lunch period to do it. she goes up to him and she's like "hey..".By that time darshan conveniently pinned himself to the wall.He began hyper ventilating .He went into statue mode.His eyes widened.I figured he was going to have a stroke. Hes still alive though.I'm not sure whether he heard what she said.i didn't.i was floored looking at darshan expression. Infinite bliss,confusion,panick,paralysis,love,infactuation all wrapped into one.And after those amazing five minutes which lasted an eternity by itself maths class begins. If you think that was funny you should've seen him in the class.All he could do was smile at the wall,the duster and the board...of course we took his life out with that incident for weeks together....im sure he will be thrilled to read this..
  • MOMENT - 2
This moment belongs to teacher's day.All of us had awesome fun on that day.We made arrangements about a week ago . We bought a huge cake.Liters of drink. Made merry all day.All our teachers ended up dancing and singing.One of the coolest days of eleventh.

Oh ya and how could i forget.."NTG on a roll"

  • MOMENT - 1
I'll remember this day for eternity and beyond.And even if i forget all i need to do is open my eyes to remember.It happened on the way back from school on the bus.There wasn't any place to sit so me and the culprit were standing.How would i have guessed buying coffee after a hard days work could cost you so dearly?.That fine day a hag, who had a weird nose(one nostril bigger than the other),who had twelve fingers , colored hair and no brains at all comes up to me and pours hot boiling coffee in my left eye.Bitch.Hope your reading this. The heat i had an eruption in my cornea and it tore(btw this isn't a paragraph from a short movie or anything.It really happened)
Pathetic isn't it. sob sob..:(...:P

Bulleted Listlollollol!!!


  1. lol....I am glad you actually took the time to type it....it was nice reading it!

  2. yea dude. .:) nd which bitch wr u tokin abt ???

  3. nice...!!!.. i am not goin to hit you.. but i will definitely get back at u in other ways :P.. and shouri.. its nt tht hard to guess wch bitch culd have actually caused soo much pain to nk .. and continues (hopefully she does ).....:P
