I'm in IIT madras....here I'm known as Essless (i know what your thinking....long story)...i'm doing electrical engineering.... sounded hi-fi till i joined.....i'm male btw... but i didn't need to tell you that...i'm in IIT for crying out loud... I figured blogging is an awesome way to spend my time...and reading all the crap that happens to me is an awesome way for you to spend yours...(or i'd like to think so)...anyways....by now you would've noticed continuous dots in the place of fullstops and commas...pardon me...i'm just used to it...you would have also noticed my sarcasm ....lol..get used to it...what you will come across from here on is my pathetic usage of vocabulary....hehe..best of luck with that....and finally i can assure you...this is nothing close to completely condescending....i just thought it sounded nice....

Friday, February 5, 2010

the day numbered 6575...

My mom always told me ....."the path from childhood to manhood is often a treacherous one".... and full credit goes to iit for showing me that ....the hard way....on the auspiscious occasion of my eighteenth birthday my friends decided to highlight my passage into manhood with a friendly peaceful get-together......and pats on the back eventually lead to kicks on the ass...thats when that fine line differentiating castration and birthday bumps gets highlighted ....on a more serious note...when someone walks in with a hockey stick siging happy b'day to you.... RUN....coming back to the original story...so what started at a small circle of twelve odd people evolved to a mad mob of fifty..i personally have no clue from where everyone turned up.....its amazing how many people you can find roaming about joblesly at twelve midnight..in the sense..you dont find such attendance even for role calls...people started pulling my pants of .....and the next thing i knew i was airborne and getting the crap whacked out of me...thank god im big... if i was any smaller im pretty sure my bum would be concave by now...or convex...ummm...whichever way it shouldnt be...three rounds of but whacking fun...once everyone was sure they had their shoe size imprinted on my ass they let me go....and then began...sleeping on my stomach...sitting on my thighs standing and riding my cycle...and dont even get me started on indian style toilets....oh well the silver lining ...round 2 is 365 days away...and thankyou everyone...for making it a very....memorable birthday..:P

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