I'm in IIT madras....here I'm known as Essless (i know what your thinking....long story)...i'm doing electrical engineering.... sounded hi-fi till i joined.....i'm male btw... but i didn't need to tell you that...i'm in IIT for crying out loud... I figured blogging is an awesome way to spend my time...and reading all the crap that happens to me is an awesome way for you to spend yours...(or i'd like to think so)...anyways....by now you would've noticed continuous dots in the place of fullstops and commas...pardon me...i'm just used to it...you would have also noticed my sarcasm ....lol..get used to it...what you will come across from here on is my pathetic usage of vocabulary....hehe..best of luck with that....and finally i can assure you...this is nothing close to completely condescending....i just thought it sounded nice....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Break a leg

Life has gotten boring..:(..oh so boring..my toenails are growing at a faster pace.Hence i start blogging again. And im guessing your equally bored...i mean... you're actually reading this . Anyways you've already proved a point..so don't stop reading now.The cause of this boredom dates way way back to about ,roughly three days.If you read the last post you'd know i got whacked by my 'friends' under the pretext of my birthday.And iv'e been out to kick ever since.But sadly , in this story prey became predator and predator became bed-ridden . This guy called grammar wakes me up at twelve and calls me to kick bazooka(excuse the names,but they aren't my idea) .In my defense i was half asleep, blood-thirsty and disoriented , so you can't really blame me. I ran, i whacked, i fell.I got his back bone instead of his bum.Next thing i knew i was playing hopscotch till the hospital.And all he had to do was rub ointment...On the bright side i got a week's holiday , which looked awesome when i got it , but now...(read the first line) I missed my CY1020 mid-semester (i can't even express me regret...so im not going to.:P).I also missed one kick ass holi party... at least thats what i thought till i saw the rad pics .
A group of half-naked guys rolling in the mud together rubbing powder on each other running around in a forest\m/.... Oh ya.. livin the dream.. :P